"At our school we have been encouraged to plant more trees due to
climate change. This tree was planted by me and its been named
after my name which means am responsible for it until the day I
will leave my village and I don't know when will that be."
"In life you must be humble and don't show off. I am old and I know what am saying "
"I make $8 per day and make savings to buy fertilizer for my maize garden"
"We are not sure what we can call them but we just made them ourselves so that we can look more beautiful and you can see"
"We are playing here while waiting to be called for breakfast"
"Life becomes easier in our village when you have a bicycle
because I can easily do my errands and also help my parents
quickly. But not everyone can afford a bicycle so sometimes some
people come and hire my bicycle and that becomes my source of
"We don't know how old we are but we are old enough. We were born
in this villages grow up together as friends up to now. We got
married in this same village and have enjoyed living here without
any regret. Our children live in town and they visit us often and
we don't have any desire to live in town because we are used to
our village life style here. We believe that it's God who has kept
us this far."
"People say am old I don't have to do much but how am I going to
survive? For how long will I be asking people to help me. At
least I can walk and I have some strength. So I come here
everyday to draw some water. Water is scares here and during
summer this well will go dry. You may say the water looks bad but
we can't do otherwise it's the only well we have in this village.
At this age I have nothing to fear from this water. Some people
add chemical to clean this water in their homes but it's not
every time. God takes care of our lives"
"One thing I regret in my life is that I didn't go school. I only
went to school for a week then stopped. As a little girl I had to
walk a long distance and the path went through a certain village
and that was the only route. But in this village, there was a mad
person who used to chase me and my friends everyday as we passed
by. My parents were not happy with what this mad person was doing
hence they stopped me from going to school. Later on I just got
used staying home and that was the end of my school life. But today
I can't stand it seeing my grand children not attending school, I
make sure I help because I know what it means to stay out of
"We are just warming ourselves here first, before we think of our
next move on what to do today"
"We are good friends, we go to the same school and we are also in
the same class. During break time we share our food and play
"For the past years I was working hard in my garden but harvested little due to lack of resources. This year I have done my homework
and taken all the necessary measures to take care of tomatoes as you can see. I have already started harvesting for sale. The profit will be used to buy a generator so that next season I can easily pump water for irrigation."
"As a teacher you have to use whatever local material you can find
in order to teach the children. These days you can't have every
resource you want for your lesson and yet the children have to
school to learn. This is one of the tool I use to teach pupils
"This chicken is given to any Nyasa Big Bullets player who scores
the first goal of the game. And there is always a chicken for
every game we play. And it must be a white chicken not other
colors because our team colors are red and white."
"My name is Chacharito and am supporter number one of
Nyasa Big Bullets"
2/2"One day I helped a certain gentleman to buy seeds for him in
Mchinji and he gave me $30 as a tip. I was happy to receive that
amount and I invested into business. I bought 4 bags of maize, 50kg
each and sold them in small containers. I kept on doing that and
later I ended up renting this building behind me and started buying
Because of what I went through I had learnt helpful lessons and
also how to handle money wisely. As of now my capital has increased
to $2900. I keep on investing all the profit into my business and I
know I will make it big and help other people who want to start
their own business."
"For me, I take a teaching job as a calling from God. You know what, hard working spirit pays because to teach someone from unknown to known its something that gives me joy. At the same time in our community, I try to be a role model and many people have trust in me. And glad and proud of myself that am a teacher."
“From my findings, children along the lakeshore are abused by their
parents by accepting early marriages at the age of twelve to
fifteen despite Government and stake holders putting measures on
that let alone that parents turning children into street vending
from selling usipa, eggs, prostitution to mention a few I and I. I
am as a true Rasta and I condemn this malpractice by parents as
much as I ...and i see this I and I plan I still think there is
time all stakeholders can join hands with the Government to at
least curb the situation openness to our children and constructive
criticisms to leaders holding positions that concern children and
under privileged should work on these important issues. I share my
views right from the village where i live now after living for
close to thirty years not only in beloved country but countries in
southern Africa.”
my share and bought the solar
and sound system. I hire out this equipment every weekend and get
paid some money which is used
to feed my family."
Since I was born, I have never been photographed and see my face on
a photograph. And this was my first photograph to have with my
husband and our two daughters. This photo means a lot to me and I
take care of it because I can see my whole family every time I look
at it. It gives me great memories and a joy of the family I have."
"Am not a lazy person but I work hard to bring food on the table
for my family".
“When I was told that I was pregnant we agreed with my husband
that, this was going to be our last born child. I believed for a
baby girl child and as I gave birth I was shocked to see that I had
twins. This meant a double responsibility hence I had to adapt
quickly with my husband. It was a big challenge for us, as we were
not expecting two babies and we had to make sure we support the
babies.... You know in the villages when they see a man carrying a
baby on his back some people with bad manners they laugh will laugh
at that man. But my husband was there, helping me when going to
scale. The babies have grown up as you can see and some people say
they don’t look alike but thus non of my business all I know is
that they are my children and they are twins.”
"I have had my own experience of giving birth to twins. The first
time my wife was pregnant, we didn't know that we were going have
twins until they were born. We become so happy but it wasn't easy
to take care of them. I had to work hard in order to buy food for
them and their mother so that they stay healthy. I agreed with my
wife to use one of the birth control method and after some years
she was pregnant again. Guess what she gave birth to twins again.
They are our children hence we had to take care of them and love
them. By the grace of God they have all grown up as you see here is
one set of the twins.
After some years my wife who is the mother of two sets of twin left
me and went to stay in her village leaving the children with me. I
had to take care of them alone and later on I married again to a
lady who is my current wife. Am thankful of her because she takes
care of these children without any problem and she loves them.
By the way we were blessed with a baby boy and I have five children
“Here is our mother and some people say we look like her while
others disagree. Some people say that we took some features from
our dad but we don't think so because we are ladies. You should
have seen him only that he is temporally away and he will be back
“I lost both my parents while very young and that was long time ago. At 15 I got married and came to stay with my home husband at his village here. I have lived here ever since that day; all my relatives from my parent’s side are dead and am the only one left. Even here my husband dead sometime back but God is still keeping and I thank God daily for my life. Am still strong I go to work at my garden and even play with the grandchildren here. And my advice to people is simple be humble and live in peace with everyone.”
“I was born nineteen thirty something I cant remember the date, month or year what matters is that am still alive by the grace of God.”
"I remember when I was young we were always looking forward to a
Christmas Day. I made sure we do some piece work so that I have
money to spend on that day. In those days I used to wear a white
short and that short was called Holland. Not many people had such
type of short. With a white shirt, it looked very smart plus white
socks and white canvas.
It was one of the day you could win a heart of a... lady by buying
a bottle of Fanta for her and you walk with her around the village.
She will be walking while drinking Fanta. No man would come close
to that lady because he knows she is with me. Our walk would end up
at a trading centre where you will find a gathering of villagers
chatting, playing and dancing. It was full of fun and I can still
"If I don't feed my animals then no one will do it. Everyday i
have to make a trip and collect food for my animals which will
help them grow healthy."
"What do you want to do after you finish school?" "Mmmmhhh I don't
"I always help my parents with some of the work at home. My
classes at school starts later in the day and now am on my way to a maize mill."
"This is my breakfast before the main meal at lunch even though
sometimes I eat as a snack"
"We are all on holiday but we miss school, our teachers and friends"
"My first husband divorced me while I was pregnant with this child. After I gave birth the doctor told me that my child will never walk. I communicated to his father but he completely refused that he wasn’t his child. He said he couldn’t have a child with physical disability. But for me I thanked God and accepted him as my child.
Before we had no wheelchair and my husband would carry him on his back every day to school. And when he knocks off at school, he has many friends who bring him home. His fellow pupils at school love him and they play with him.
After starting school I noticed that he become clever and he talks freely to me or his own relatives at home. Previously, he couldn’t do that he was a quiet boy and reserved. Am encouraged with the support from my husband and the headmaster for bringing a big change to my son and am very happy him."
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